Everlast Freestanding Heavy Bag Review – The Ultimate Guide

Everlast PowerCore Freestanding Heavy Bag

Everlast has lots of gear types on the market including boxing headgear, hand wraps… These gears have lots of models however Everlast don’t have many freestanding bags. With that there are two incredibly popular ones on the market and let’s see whether these are good or not and their warranty periods in this Everlast freestanding heavy bag review.

Everlast PowerCore Freestanding Heavy Bag

Warranty: 4 months

Height: 52″ to 65″

Weight: 250 Ibs (when it is filled)

Training Quality Rating: 9.0 / 10.0

Durability: 9.0 / 10

Quality / Price Rating: 10.0 / 10.0

Best place to buyAmazon

Exclusive Features

  • Best free standing bag of Everlast
  • Offers incredible strength training
  • Quality filling material (foam)
  • Has flexibility
  • Adjustable height (52″ to 65″)
  • Can be filled with water or sand
  • Very easy to move around
  • Incredible Quality / Price
  • Very affordable for a free standing bag


  • Height of the base

Everlast’s this bag is even used by professionals. Actually Andre Ward is one of them.

The most important thing is the filler material for durability of punching bags. And this one uses Tri-disc foam. After you strike the bag, this foam will distribute the impact. In this way the place, where you hit, won’t face all the impact.

This bag is sturdy enough and can give you any training type including strength and cardio. You can find ring collar in some free standing bags and hanging punching bags. It provides that the bag will move like as whole. What I mean is that after every strike bags can vibrate like crazy. And companies use different kinds of tools so it does not happen. That ring collar helps with that. And I also used a heavy bag which has same technology. It gave optimal striking rate and incredible durability. After a few years it was still used in a boxing gym.

This bag can be filled with sand and water very easily. When it is filled, the bag will be around 250 Ibs. It is very easy to install, also has Nevatear as cover material. There are not lots of products which are made of this material. However it won’t have rough spots, which happens with poor quality bags, easily. And it gives you smooth punching experience.

This bag is used in many boxing, martial arts gyms and so far these give good feedback. And keep in mind that this bag has been produced for MANY years.

For any type of heavy bag, one of the most important things is the rebound rate. It is also important that the bag gives this quality rebound rate whether it is full or not. Some bags are amazing when these are totally full however these don’t have the same quality when they are not filled fully. This is the reason why this bag is used in lots of boxing gyms and great for all level of users including starter or advanced. Because you can empty or add weight according to your need and it still gives the same quality striking experience. This bag also can be filled with water or sand like rest of the bags on this page.

As you may know Everlast is a huge brand. Even though it has some bad quality products, they keep the good products on the market and upgrade them etc… When the company has huge fame, it just can’t afford the screw it up anything about their best bag. And Everlast Powercore is their best and most popular product. After you buy it, I am sure you will be pleased with everything about the bag. It is affordable and has amazing quality price ratio. You can also adjust the bag according to your preference. If you are interested, then have a look at how Andre Ward uses it on amazon’s product page. And he does not use it only for commercial 😉 It is known that he actually practiced with this bag. With that it is truly the best product of Everlast in free standing category. The other bag below simply doesn’t have the quality of this one and the price difference is very little and if you are looking for a very quality bag from trustworthy company, I highly suggest you to buy Everlast Powercore.


Everlast Omniflex Free Standing Heavy Bag

Warranty: 4 months

Height: 67″(at highest setting)

Weight: 130 Ibs (when it is filled with water)

Training Quality Rating: 8.5 / 10.0

Durability: 7.0 / 10

Quality / Price Rating: 9.0 / 10.0

Exclusive Features

  • Foam as filler
  • Quality cover material
  • Very low base for kicks
  • Distributes shock
  • Very affordable for a free standing bag


  • Not durable as Powercore

This is the second quality bag of Everlast and it has been on market for years. There is one distinct feature of this bag which truly separates from other free standing heavy bags on the market and it is the base height. It will allow you to do really low kicks so this bag is more suitable for martial arts which includes kicks such as MMA. With that if you do boxing training like me or if you won’t do any low kicks in your workout routine then you should definitely get the first bag. Omniflex has also foam as filler and it provides very quality striking experience. Obviously it increases the durability of the bag. Speaking of durability this bag also has Nevatear which is quality cover material. With that its body is as not solid as the other bag of Everlast and seriously it won’t be a good option if you look for a bag which can LAST for years.

This bag’s height is 67″ at highest setting and if you fill it with water, its weight will be 130 Ibs. As you may know its weight is much less than lots of other bags. So why is that? This bag’s rebound time is fast and the reason is the body part of the bag weighs much less than other bags and its design is also different. So it will give good cardio but if you are a really heavy puncher then again go with the first bag.

However Omniflex is the MOST affordable and quality bag on the market and I don’t think that you can get a better deal. So it is very suitable for people who want the best value for their money.


Everlast Freestanding Reflex Bag

Warranty: 4 months

Height: 67″(at highest setting)

Weight: 130 Ibs (when it is filled with water)

Training Quality Rating: 9.0 / 10.0

Durability: 9.0 / 10

Quality / Price Rating: 9.5 / 10.0

Exclusive Features

  • Best choice for a reflex bag on the market
  • Most durable reflex bag on the market
  • Adjustable height
  • Very easy to set it up
  • Affordable


  • Short height

First of all if you are taller than 6’2″ then don’ buy this bag. Because its highest setting is 5’4″ and you just can’t hit it with a proper technique. So if you are taller than 6’2″ and looking for a speed bag workout you can have a look at these speed bag platforms and their incredible features. However if you are shorter than 6’2″ and minimize the space in training then continue reading 😉 Reflex bags are amazing for improving hand eye coordination, speed and agility. It also provides very good upper body workout and you can do footwork during the training. It has lots of benefits however there are not many reflex bags on the market and other bags are just worthless except Everlast Reflex bag. Basically these bags are not on demand like punching bags so lots of companies don’t even bother producing it or won’t produce them well. And people ,who want a reflex bag, just go with Everlast Reflex Bag. And I suggest you the same. You can adjust the height for your preference and it is also affordable.

This bag’s base also can be filled with water or sand.



Conclusive Thoughts

Have you ever wondered why Andre Ward plays in commercial for Powercore? The answer is simple they actually do it onEverlast Freestanding Heavy Bag Review purpose. Everlast knows that Powercore is superior and will get better ratings than other punching bags. Because of that Andre Ward plays for Powercore commercial and not for Omniflex. Actually it is a marketing technique however does it change the fact that Powercore has incredible quality? Obviously it does not and I am also sure that you will have very good workout sessions with Everlast Powercore. And it has seriously incredible price. With that Omniflex can be a choice if you will do low kicks and knee strikes. Also if you want to train with a reflex bag then Everlast Reflex bag is seriously your only quality option. I hope you enjoyed reading the Everlast freestanding heavy bag review and if you have any questions please leave a comment below.





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9 thoughts on “Everlast Freestanding Heavy Bag Review – The Ultimate Guide”

  1. These look like great freestanding heavy bags. As it is made by Everlast then I know that I will get value for money.

    I am though wondering about filling the Powercore with either water or sand. Does it make a difference which I choose to fill the bag with? Also does it make any difference what kind of sand?

  2. great review Furkan, it was very informative and will help us lot to make our buying decision, Everlast has always been a wonderful company and there is no hesitation to buy their products.

    1. I think exactly like you and both of these have quality. However Powercore is just one step ahead of the other bag.

  3. Hi Furkan, thanks for this informative Everlast freestanding heavy bag review, Everlast is a great and reputable company their stuff is excellent quality.

    With that said, as a box fan, I’d buy with eyes closed any box material labeled Everlast

    Thanks for taking the time to put this review together and have a sweet day.

    1. Hi Anis,

      Well if I were you I will be little careful about their boxing gloves 😉 But other than that Everlast has amazing quality products including these bags.

  4. Christina Bohannon

    I did not know that there was so many different types of freestanding bags. I also did not know that you could put water or sand in it. I do not know a whole lot about gym equipment but I had heard a lot about Everlast. They seem to be a pretty good and popular company. I think the part about the Everlast PowerCore Freestanding Heavy bag using Tri-disc foam is pretty cool.

    1. Well, these bags are pretty cool and Everlast PowerCore definitely stands out but I actually don’t agree with you.
      It is well-known company but is it really good? I have a writing about Everlast and if you want to know about the company and my experiences with the gears, you can check out here.

  5. Didn’t know Andre Ward use this type of bag, he is one my favorite fighters to ever grace the boxing ring, with that said this seems pretty good for the home in a garage as long it doesn’t get in the way. It’s a good bag to have in case one of those days come that the gym its close for some reason at least you have something to work with.

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