Casanova Boxing Gloves Review – The Complete Guide

extensive overview of Casanova Training Gloves

If you searched for Casanova Boxing Gloves, seriously you have my congrats. Because, only a few people, who train boxing, know this brand and even though you can’t find this brand in many countries, finally it came to Amazon. Well better late than never right? Even though I can’t get it for now (right now I live in the suburbs of Thailand) when I get the chance, it will be my one of my pairs. Anyway, after I saw it on Amazon, I thought that I should definitely write a thorough review of it. In this writing, I also included my trainer’s experiences with this amazing Mexican pair and sizing information as well.

 Original Deportes Casanova Sparring/Training Boxing Gloves

Original Deportes Casanova Sparring/Training Boxing Gloves ReviewProtection Rating: 9.6 / 10.0

Training Quality Rating: 9.8 / 10.0

Durability: 9.7 / 10.0

Quality / Price Rating: 9.3 / 10.0

Product: Casanova Boxing Gloves

Exclusive Features

  • Very quality padding
  • Good padding distribution to punch faster
  • Great wrist support
  • Have all safety features
  • Great for all training types (punch mitts, heavy bag…)
  • Comfy
  • Last 4+ years
  • Definitely one of the most quality gloves on the market
  • Handmade
  • Very rare and cool color selections

The padding quality is outstanding. Once you break in the padding, it becomes “softer”. Also, it changes place very quickly. It means that after you punch, it changes location, however, it returns the “zero state” very fast. This quality provides you to have quality sessions and also protects your hands very well. This is actually really important for heavy bag sessions because the padding has the most deformation in this training. When the padding has that quality, it will have way less deformation. With that, according to many reviews and my trainer, you will have awesome sessions with it.

Well, I never have trained with this pair however according to my trainer, it has the best wrist support and that guy probably used more than 10 boxing gloves until these are useless. So his feedback actually meant something to me.

The compartments are a bit detached from each other however these are very well crafted. When you look at the pair, you can even see the details of these compartments.

With that, this model has attached thumb and it has every safety feature for every training type. As you may know that the older Casanova model had detached thumb and it had the potential to hurt your sparring partner’s eye. However, Casanova fixed it so Casanova Training Gloves became also suitable for sparring as well. This actually impressed me a lot. Since Casanova is not exactly “a social company” but certainly they listened to the feedback of customers for the old model and upgraded it. Considering that many companies are all over the internet but these just don’t listen to any feedback. According to me, this just shows that Casanova cares about products and customers.

Casanova is made of genuine cowhide leather and you can use this pair at least 4 years without any serious defects and according to many reviews, you can trust the durability of padding. It can take a beating for long years. So you can expect the padding to outlast leather.

Comfort: According to my researches, Casanova is way comfortable than many other pairs and the lining is also a bit softer. Keep in mind that other handmade or Mexican style pairs are a bit rough. So I consider this as a minor plus. With that, I did not see many feedbacks about air regulating features but no one complained about it either.

I actually have been waiting for Casanova Training Gloves for over a year. Now I am in Thailand and don’t have good boxing equipment shopping opportunities where I live. But when I will get to the USA, I will definitely try this amazing pair. Seriously I have been waiting for a long time 😉 After I get it you can also find my experiences in this writing.

Note: You can get this pair according to the sizing chart below and if you are over 200 LBS. you should go with 20 oz. 

training sparring boxing gloves sizing chart

======>Get The Most Quality Boxing Gloves

Break in Period: It is only one or two weeks. Considering that many other handmade gloves have 2 months of a break-in period, it is really awesome that you start punching smoothly and get the natural striking experience right away.

How is the quality-price ratio? As you know you can use this pair for 4+ years and it will give you top-notch sessions. So I compare this pair to only the best pairs and I can easily say that the price-quality ratio is definitely above average.

Final Notes: I honestly don’t know how many Casanova Boxing gloves are in Amazon’s stock. The pair is simply top notch and it is really hard to find. Also, it is not mass produced for delivering you maximum quality and it has been the same for years. In my opinion, this approach is just amazing for a brand and according to a myriad of people, it is certain that you will have very good sessions with it. If you are interested, then check out the the most recent price.

About Casanova

This company keeps it old school and does not mass produce. These include other products like boxing headgear which I am extremely satisfied with it. According to my data, the fitting rate of this pair is above %85 and it is very good for a boxing glove. The company listens to what customers say and upgrades products accordingly. Also, considering that Casanova does not produce lots of products or does not mass produce, I am sure that many companies, which sell crappy products, make a lot more money than this brand. Seriously considering everything you can just go with any Casanova product. I hope that you enjoyed reading my Casanova Boxing Gloves review and if you have any questions please leave a comment below.

Image Courtesy of dfbailey via Creative Commons License, Some Rights Reserved
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13 thoughts on “Casanova Boxing Gloves Review – The Complete Guide”

  1. My son has just started kickboxing and I have been looking for something for him to start training with, although the club he goes to provides gloves he wants his own.
    He’s 11 so would these be ok for him to start with or should I just get something different just in case he decides after a few weeks that he doesn’t like it?

    1. This will be great for him he can do all training types with it and it is a really “safe” pair. So if he can’t punch with a proper form, Casanova will protect him

  2. I’m no boxer but your site did peak my interest. It’s nice to see some companies sticking with what made them great and keeping the great quality that normally comes with handmade items or at least carefully crafted and inspected.

  3. I am new to boxing and looking to add a little into my workout routine. Can you explain a little more on what the padding moving means? These gloves are a little pricey for someone just starting out with no experience. Do you have any recommendations on beginner gloves, or do you think I should go with these?

    1. Casanova Gloves are expensive and considering that you are a starter, you may not want to spend a lot of money. Because I see many beginners just quit boxing after a workout. So it may become pointless to break the bank for one single session. You can check out these beginner’s boxing gloves. Don’t worry these have way better prices ; )

  4. I’m planning on joining a boxing/kickboxing club something soon. I used to spar with my friend in his car garage years ago, and ever since, I always had a thing for boxing/kickboxing. I don’t know much about glove brands but these Casanova gloves seem to be a great start, and the price isn’t that bad.

    Great review!

    1. It is a cool way to start and I am glad you did not get injured during sparring. Sometimes there can be heated matches between friends. Yeah, Casanova is quite amazing for any training type.

      If the price is good for you and I know that the price is not good for many people, then definitely give it a shot.

  5. Hi Furkan
    Great article on an obviously great quality glove. I’ve only ever used Everlast or other mass produced gloves so you’ve certainly opened my eyes as to probably a better option as your article suggests.
    The quality sounds great and they are very durable as your teacher suggests. Sounds like demand outweighs supply, but as your post suggests they should be well worth the wait

    1. This is seriously worth the wait. However, I don’t know maybe the process is faster. But back then I remember that people are commenting and saying that they wait for months.

      Man the difference is just huge. The padding is quite well and “the inner” layer of padding protects hand well. The leather is sturdy and while punching it does not even wrinkle much. These just show the quality of Casanova. It has even more superior qualities to Everlast.

      And if you are talking about Everlast Training gloves, it does not have any of these.


    I’m 200lbs and hit pretty hard. I struggled to find a glove that could truly protect me and feel great? Casanova hybrid (strings and wrap) are incredible. Design and shape are exactly as recommended, not to mention the old guys at my gym LOVE THEM and brought up the ‘old days’ type conversations. Headgear is also incredible and so well made. Will take a beating and last a lifetime which says it all for me.

    1. I guess all Casanova products are solid. The testimonials always say that the headgear can take a hit.

      It is an old brand and most young guys have not even heard the brand. I am not old but I am experienced enough to make a review for this amazing pair of gloves even though only a few people search for it I want to show how amazing this product is.

      I love that the padding doesn’t stay in random place and protects hands well and the glove’s leather is likely to outlast all the other cover materials.

  7. Hi!
    Great article! I’m looking into a pair right now!
    Just wondering whether the gloves are true to weight.
    I normally use 16oz because my coach requires us to use them for sparring.
    In the past I remember buying a few brands which says 16oz but ended up being around 18oz (ie Cleto Reyes, Sabas) Not that I can afford it, but I heard Grants are also heavier than they state. So if I buy a pair of Casanova, should I buy 16oz or lighter?

    Also, is the hybrid good? I think you can get a snug fit with the laces alone, and it seems more a gimmick (and extra weight) to have the velcro strap on top of the laces. But the hybrid models really look cool 🙂

    1. Yeah, 16 oz. is required for sparring in many boxing gyms. The padding looks a bit more than usual but I just did a quick research. The weight difference is just a couple of grams. So you can go with 16 oz.

      The hybrid is not going to be as snug fit as lace-up ones but these are still good and snug fit.

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