Best Speed Bags for Beginners – The Ultimate Guide

Speed bag training has lots of benefits and if you pick the right speed bag for you, you will even have these benefits faster. First of all, it should be large so it will be suitable and it will not be challenging for a beginner. After you get better skills and you can adjust the pace then it is time to train with a smaller one. And when you get a smaller speed bag you should also continue getting the same good punching experience. This can happen if the new bag has the same weight distribution. It means that the bag needs to have smaller models. The bags below have smaller models and provide ALL of these. This is why these are the best speed bags for beginners and let’s start with the first choice.

1. Cleto Reyes Platform Speed Bags

speed bag for beginnersTraining Quality Rating: 10.0 / 10.0

Durability: 9.5 / 10

Quality / Price Rating: 9.0 / 10.0

Best Place to buy: Amazon

Exclusive Features

  • Incredible rebound rate
  • 4 sizes
  • Nylon lining for extra durability
  • Genuine leather
  • Excellent option for a beginner
  • Very easy to get on swivels (in my experience)

Cleto Reyes produces its products with genuine leather including boxing gloves and headgear. It also uses genuine leather for its speed bags and I also used this one with oak speed bag platform. This bag has amazing balance and it also has tough nylon lining for incredible durability.

In my old MMA gym, trainers pumped some air in this speed bag one time per week. However, keep in mind that it was used a lot. This speed bag is handmade in Mexico and gives very “natural” striking experience. With that, it has 4 sizes and at first, you can get the largest one and when you can easily punch with different techniques you can change it and continue with a smaller model for more challenging workouts. In this way, the smaller model also has the same weight distribution so you won’t have “extra” hard time after you start training with a smaller one. This also speeds up your skill improvement.

Even though it has a higher price tag it will cost you only initially more. Because it will last 3-4 times more than any other “regular quality” bags.

Also when we changed the platform or speed bag swivel, this bag was very easy to get on new swivels. I think that it is another huge advantage and in my opinion, Cleto Reyes Speed Bag is the coolest looking speed bag 😉 You have many design and color selections including Mexican Flag.

Title Boxing Super Speed Bag

good speed bag for beginnersTraining Quality Rating: 9.1 / 10.0

Durability: 8.5 / 10

Quality / Price Rating: 9.5 / 10.0

Exclusive Features

  • Long life inner bladder
  • Optimal rebound rate
  • Bigger than most of the speed bags
  • Reinforced tripled stitching for longer durability
  • Lightweight construction
  • Genuine leather
  • A good option for a beginner
  • Has the greatest quality-price ratio!

Title is expert about producing speed bags and has lots of models on the market. This leather speed bag’s dimensions are 8” x 11”. As a starter, you can control this bag relatively easier and this bag is also made of genuine leather. Considering that you will just start punching a speed bag, you will want to have “the smoothest” punching experience as much as possible and Title’s this large model actually provides it for you. As another positive side, generally leather bags don’t have very lightweight construction but Title seems to found a way since this bag is light.

Also, I always hate handling a bladder of a speed bag, however, this one has a long life inner bladder. I think that it is a huge plus because you don’t have to change it for a very long time. Also, it is triple stitched and this extends the durability of the bag a lot. So when you get a new and smaller speed bag you can always go back and train with this one and it is a really huge plus.

Considering the durability and training quality, Title Boxing Super Speed Bag has truly the greatest quality-price ratio and you have many color selections including blue and yellow.

Let’s continue with the most budget-friendly speed bag…

Ringside Apex Speed Bag

Training Quality Rating: 8.0 / 10.0

Durability: 8.2 / 10

Quality / Price Rating: 9.1 / 10.0

Exclusive Features

  • Teardrop shaped
  • Silent (also has latex speed bag bladder)
  • Reinforced tripled stitching for longer durability
  • Very lightweight construction
  • Many color selections
  • Very affordable


  • Needs light inflation 2 times per week

Ringside uses synthetic leather for this speed bag and if you like teardrop-shaped speed bags and their rebound rate, you will love punching Ringside Apex. This bag is silent and reasons are the construction and design. It also uses latex bladder and it also helps with “the silence”.

Ringside has also reinforced triple stitched seams and these all increase the durability of the speed bag. With that, latex bladder loses air from time to time and you need to inflate it lightly 2 times per week.

Ringside Apex is also incredibly affordable and gets good feedback on boxing forums. However, it is a little bit “lighter” than its exact size matches. This can make adjusting period longer. Other than that, it provides a good rebound rate and good training sessions. Considering the incredible price Ringside Apex can definitely be an option for you.

What Size of Speed Bag is the Best for Beginners? Considering that you don’t have any experience, you should get larger models. In this way, you can learn techniques easier. As a side note, 8″ x 11″ and 7″ x 10″ sizes are the most preferred sizes. Also, when you get used to punching, you can get a smaller one and continue having the same punching experience.   

Final Thoughts

These all provide good bounce rate and amazing shoulder burning training sessions for you. However, one of them just stands out more. Cleto Reyes has genuine leather, though lining for longer durability and I am also VERY satisfied with the striking experience. It has 4 sizes and when you get used to punching you can get a smaller model and continue to get same punching experience. These are exactly what a beginner needs and because of these, if you are a beginner, I highly suggest you buy your own Cleto Reyes. I am sure that you will also LOVE training with it as the rest of boxing community. I hope that you enjoyed the content and if you have any questions please leave a comment below.

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6 thoughts on “Best Speed Bags for Beginners – The Ultimate Guide”

  1. I was one of those kids in grade school who always got picked on and beaten up. I so wanted to learn to box but my parents could barely afford food on the table let alone lessons. I saw the bags and thought… at 54, is it too late to learn to hit a speed bag? I would never want to pick a fight, it would be just for the exercise. Any thoughts??

    1. I know so many people had the same experience. I wish thing would have been different for you.
      Boxing don’t put tension on your muscles and speed bag training is even safer than running. Of course it can be a good exercise for you.

    2. My ex husband was a boxer, I used his equipment when I was younger, I suffer from fibromyalgia/ arthritis also MVA related injuries … I take no pain meds. Read at Physio a great saying “live-laugh-move” I’m very active at 52 yet age, weather also life happens so I’m off to pick up a speed bag kit today! Because I understand the plethora of benefits that come from the training associated with boxing! My shoulders have been wreaking havoc lately so my answer was to begin what I know to improve the strength, flexibility in my shoulders but also improve my sleep! Great article! Thank you ! I hope this helps, I believe the first step to good health…is that first step! And looks like asking the question was yours! So pat yourself on the back cause you just made it!!

  2. Spot On Website!


    I am retired and looking for a good exercise outlet. Is working out with a speed bag a good idea?

    It seems the cardio would be great and hitting a bag just seems like it could be fun.

    I really don’t want to break the bank so, if you agree, it is something good for us old guys, what is a decent bag and price?


    1. It is a great idea. Speed bag training is easy on your joints and improves your cardio. You can also pick the right hitting techniques in a couple of days. Don’t worry it will not be that expensive. Having a decent speed bag platform plus speed bag don’t cost much. Also, many speed bag platforms come with free swivel as well.

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for this extremely informative post.

    As a true beginner to boxing training, I find the details you provide on the Cleto Reyes bags extremely compelling. Forward-thinking Cleto understands that beginners do not remain beginners forever, and will want to graduate to equipment which matches and challenges their growing expertise. Consequently, I love the idea of the 4 sizes. It also provides something tangibly represented to shoot for, which I find extremely motivating.

    With regards to pricing, I believe that you hit the nail on the head with your approach to price vs value. It’s not so much the price as the inherent value in what you are going to spend your cash on.

    Thanks so much for sharing. I’m going to now take a closer look at the section on the benefits of speed-bag training.

    All the best,


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